Learning Opportunity: Managing the Rising Demand for Quality Greenhouse Water

Banner graphic for upcoming ErfGoed webinar for growers on greenhouse water quality demand

Webinar for growers | ErfGoed

How to Manage the Demand for Quality Water in Your Greenhouse?

ErfGoed will host an exclusive webinar for growers on July 9, 2024, focusing on water management and its impact on product quality. Growers are increasingly facing challenges such as limited availability of usable water, deteriorating water quality, and stricter government restrictions on water usage.


With over 65 years of experience, ErfGoed understands the worldwide complex issues that growers face. The company has assisted growers in more than 25 countries in making crucial decisions about their water systems, which directly affect the health and growth of their plants.

The webinar will be led by Jack Ford, ErfGoed’s North America Sales Manager. With his extensive knowledge and experience, he will provide valuable insights on the following topics:

  • Global challenges in water management
  • The impact of these challenges on growers
  • Lessons learned from other countries
  • Practical steps that growers can take

The webinar’s goal is to equip growers with the knowledge and tools needed to make better decisions about their water systems and thereby ensure the quality of their crops.

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The webinar will take place on July 9, 2024, at 10 a.m. (EST – USA) / 4 p.m. (CEST – Amsterdam). Registration for the webinar is available through the ErfGoed website.